Monday, December 10, 2012

Moving Tips: 2 of 12

***Tip 2***

Have MORE than enough supplies!

You never realize how much stuff you have in your house until you start to pack it up or you go to move! It is truly insane; you will discover things you forgot you had. This is why it is important to get more than enough boxes, bubble wrap, newspaper, TAPE!! etc. I will let you in on a few secrets on how to get the best deals on some of these supplies.

Boxes: Call your local grocery stores, Big Lots, Dollar General (smaller stores within a reasonable distance) and ask them if they have any boxes that they are throwing out. Tell them that you are moving and are looking for some and you would love to pick them up if they have any. I have had friends do this on several occasions and it has worked for them every time. You want to start early though! When you know you will be moving, start calling and collecting boxes. If you can at all help it, do not take the tape off of the boxes. It will help save you tape and time later down the road.
Bubble Wrap: Dollar Tree normally has rolls of bubble wrap for a dollar. They are not A LOT, but it does provide you with something. 

News Paper: You can call the same local stores and ask if they have old ads that they would mind giving to you. Explain that you are moving again, and see if they would mind if you picked them up. Start collecting the Sunday paper instead of throwing it out.

Tape: Think about how much stuff you have in your house, and decide on how much tape you will need. If you think 4 rolls, buy 6. You will thank me later. Sometimes tape gets stuck, you may need to double or triple tape in order to keep the box from breaking open that you just happen to over back. Sometimes you may need to tape up a small tear, or tape the top of the box straight up, making all the flaps stick together to where you can place in taller items (Like Baking Pans and Rollers). If you have more than enough tape, you will not start to skimp on securing the boxes and you can also use tape to tape containers of food (like the noodle tubs – lids come off so easy!) or hair spray and cosmetics. Better to be safe than sorry! 

String / Rope: You will want to have some of this on hand during the move day. Making sure drawers and furniture are tied back! 

You can also buy your supplies from the truck rental companies. If you buy too many, they can be returned for a refund (as long as they are not damaged).

When packing, make sure you set aside around 10 boxes (various sizes) for last minute items. (Shampoos, last minute dishes, clothes, even sheets and blankets – although I have heard the best place to put blankets is in the dryer or use them to put between table and chairs – if you stack them- or between mirrors for protection). 

Do not forget to check back tomorrow for another tip!

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